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TBM 850 Fuel Consumption and Block Time Analysis for a Typical

Short-Haul Flight

by Omer Majeed

Specific Range Solutions Ltd.


A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of cruise power settings on total fuel consumption and block time for a short-haul flight of a light single-engine turboprop aircraft.  The effect upper winds, air temperature and altitude were also addressed.  The aircraft chosen for the study was the Socata TBM 850 which is powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-66D engine.  The mission defined for analysis was a relatively short IFR flight carrying four passengers from Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport (CYOW) to Toronto Buttonville Airport (CYKZ), a distance of 182 nautical miles.  The forecast weather for flight planning purposes was obtained from NAV Canada's website for a 15:00 UTC (10:00 am local) departure on January 22nd, 2009.  The aircraft performance calculations were based on the TBM 850 Pilot's Operating Handbook1 (POH) per Ref. 1.

The baseline flight profile involved a maximum power climb at 130 KIAS to FL300, followed by a cruise segment at that altitude and a Continuous Descent Approach at 150 KIAS and a descent rate of 2000 fpm to the destination.  Fuel consumption varied from 382.5 lb for the Long-Range Cruise power setting to 402.2 lb for the Maximum Cruise power setting, the block times varied from 87.4 min. to 78.9 min.  By pulling the throttle back to the Long-Range Cruise setting, 19.7 lb or 4.9% of fuel is saved, but the flight will have an 8.5 min. or 10.8% longer block time compared to the Maximum Cruise setting.  The reason for the small difference in the amount of fuel burn is due to the relatively short length of the cruise phase (115.9 NM). 

Compared to calculations at ISA conditions at FL300, the fuel consumption and block times using the predicted upper wind and temperature data are significantly higher for all cruise throttle settings.  This is due primarily to the relatively strong winds from the northwest at altitude varying from 300o at 97 knots at the start of the trip (CYOW) to 310o at 63 knots by the end of the trip (CYYZ), although the marginally colder temperatures (ISA-5oC) at altitude also contribute to slightly higher fuel burn per the POH.   

A check on the calculations was performed based on published data. Per Ref. 2, it is stated that 392 lb of fuel would be consumed over 225 NM at the Long-Range Cruise setting with NBAA IFR reserves (100 NM), zero wind, ISA and a 658 lb payload, 392 lb of fuel would be consumed.  This compares to 334.2 lb of fuel consumption calculated over 182 NM at the Long-Range Cruise setting at FL300 at ISA with 45 min IFR reserves and 4 passengers aboard.  Extrapolated to 225 NM, 413.2 lb of fuel burn is estimated using the SRS' methodology, therefore the calculated result is in reasonable agreement with published performance data.       

Flight planning was also performed for a cruise altitude of FL240 using forecast wind and temperature data to evaluate the effect of the lower altitude on fuel burn and block time.  While the air is denser at lower altitude, thereby generating more drag, the predicted winds were slightly more favourable compared to FL300: 300o at 86 knots above CYOW and 300o at 62 knots above CYYZ.  The fuel burn varied from 399.4 lb for the Long-Range Cruise power setting to 416.2 lb for the Normal and Maximum Cruise power settings2, the block times varied from 93.7 min. to 75.9 min.  Expressed in percentages, the Long-Range setting burns 4.0% less fuel, but takes 23.5% more time compared to the Normal and Maximum settings.  The True Air Speed is significantly reduced at that altitude with the Long-Range throttle setting, therefore explaining the significantly greater block time.  However, the FL240 cruise altitude profile is faster than the FL300 profile: 75.9 min versus 79.5 min for Normal Cruise power and 75.9 min versus 78.9 min for Maximum Cruise power.  This is primarily due to the time saved by avoiding the additional climb to FL300 at 130 KIAS and by avoiding additional descent from FL300 at 150 KIAS.

To conclude, the most efficient flight profile based on the forecast winds and temperatures in terms of minimum fuel consumption is Long-Range Cruise at FL300 with a total fuel burn of 382.5 lb and a block time of 87.4 min.  The fastest profile is Normal/Maximum Cruise at FL240 with a block time of 75.9 min and a total fuel burn of 416.2 lb.

Table 1 - TBM 850 Fuel Consumption, Block Times & Specific Range for Short-Haul Flight

CYOW to CYKZ (182 NM), 4 Pax, IFR Reserves

1.  TBM 850 Pilot's Operating Handbook, Section 5 Performance, Rev. 0.
2.  Business & Commercial Aviation, April 2007 Issue - EADS Socata TBM 850 Flight Report pg. 62 - 69.

1. Fuel consumption for taxi, take-off and descent at 150 KIAS flight phases were estimated due to the data not being available in the POH.
2. The Normal and Maximum Cruise power settings are identical at FL240 and ISA-5oC.