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Specific Range Solutions Ltd. is a Canadian-based company that is federally-incorporated with Industry Canada and registered within the province of Ontario.  The company is currently a one-person consultancy. The name of the company is based on an aircraft performance parameter called specific range, which is the distance flown by an aircraft per unit of fuel consumed.  

SRS' approach is:
  • to ensure solutions are safe, effective, practical and comprehensive;
  • to be responsive and flexible to the client's needs;
  • to provide high value services and insight at reasonable cost to the client;
  • to ensure deliverables that are clear, well-written and on-time.
The sole owner, director and officer of the corporation is Omer Majeed, P. Eng., an aerospace engineer with over nine years of experience in the aviation industry and thirteen years of technical experience overall. He holds Bachelor and Masters of Aerospace Engineering degrees from Carleton University. 

Omer Majeed has had an international career with Liebherr-Aerospace with postings in Canada, the U.S. and France.  He gained invaluable flight test experience while serving as an on-site air systems specialist at the Bombardier Flight Test Center in Wichita, Kansas on behalf of Liebherr-Aerospace.  A three and a half year mission in Toulouse on the A380 program gave him broad system analysis, design and management experience.

Complementing Omer's aerospace education and experience is his training as a Transport Canada-rated commercial and multi-engine pilot.  A willingness to work diligently, creatively and cooperatively has characterized his career to-date.